Software Solutions

Quality Assurance System

Quality Assurance System

Helps institutions organize their administrative and academic activities, to ensure compliance and best practices across all parts of the organizations. The system typically delivers features such as organization performance, evaluation of educational programs, research outputs, relevant needs of the society, to monitor and continually improve satisfaction.

QA system is an integrated customizable integrated web-based software that administer administrative and academic activities of a higher education institution. The system provides systematic data collection that cover the following areas to be evaluated:

  • Institutions
  • Programs
  • Scientific research, community services.

QA System modules can be customized based on individual institutional needs and according to government and accreditation bodies standards. Basic components of the Quality Assurance System are:

  • Institution profile and Strategy
  • Documentation of quality policies  procedures
  • Teaching and Learning process
    1. Program Learning Outcomes
    2. Course Learning Outcomes
    3. Formative and Summative Assessment
    4. Data Collection
  • Satisfaction Survey:
    1. Faculty & Staff Satisfaction Survey
    2. Students Satisfaction Survey
    3. Exist Survey
    4. Alumni & Employers Survey
  • Research output
  • Teaching Staff and employees performance evaluation
  • Students Success
  • Infrastructure, financing
  • Hiring process (Staff and faculty members)
  • Staff & Faculty professional development

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